Big ‘I’ Honors Illinois Agent for Work on Crop Insurance

April 25, 2013

An Illinois agent has received an award from the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (IIABA or Big ‘I’) for his work on behalf of crop insurance agents.

Brian McSherry of Illinois is the 2012 recipient of the Sidney O. Smith Award. This award is bestowed annually by the Big “I” and the Independent Insurance Agents of Georgia upon an individual agent or broker for outstanding service to his or her peers and the national association in the field of government affairs. It is named in honor of an IIABA past president and Georgia agent who was instrumental in focusing the association and its members on legislative advocacy.

“Brian McSherry has played an instrumental role in ensuring that the voices of Big ‘I’ crop insurance agents are heard loud and clear,” said Jon Jensen, Big “I” government affairs committee chairman and president of Correll Insurance Group, headquartered in Spartanburg, S.C. “As chairman of the Crop Insurance Task Force and a member of the Government Affairs Committee, he has been a tireless advocate for crop insurance agents.”

In addition to testifying at a House Agriculture Committee hearing on the detrimental impact of the SRA on crop insurance agents across the country, McSherry has met with Risk Management Agency officials numerous times.

Of particular note is his push to include an anti-rebating clause in the 2013 Crop Insurance Document Standards Handbook. Drafted by the Big “I” Crop Task Force, this clause was finally adopted by the RMA and included as a mandatory part of the handbook.

McSherry will also address the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Board later this year. This is the first time a Big “I” agent has presented at an FCIC meeting.

Source: IIABA