Missouri Golfer Survives Mid-Round Illinois Sinkhole

March 13, 2013

When it comes to dealing with this divot, score one for Missouri golfer Mark Mihal.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the mortgage broker from Creve Coeur, Mo., is recovering after a sinkhole opened up beneath him on the fairway at the 14th hole of a southwestern Illinois golf course.

The pit that swallowed him on March 8 was 18 feet deep and 10 feet wide.

The 43-year-old Mihal was hoisted to safety with a rope. The encounter at Annbriar Golf Course near Waterloo just southeast of St. Louis left him with a dislocated shoulder.

Although Mihal says he still considers the course one of his favorites, he’s having second thoughts about returning there, saying `”it’d be kind of strange playing that hole again, for sure.”