Henryville in Recovery Mode; School Wins Lady Antebellum Show

March 22, 2012

The southern Indiana town of Henryville has moved into the long recovery phase from March 2 tornadoes that devastated the community, and officials are urging homeowners to apply for federal aid to help speed the process along.

Greg Eaton of the Federal Emergency Management Agency says more than 900 people have registered for individual assistance totaling $740,000 but says many others might not get aid because they have homeowner’s insurance.

The News and Tribune reports the maximum grant FEMA can provide is $31,400. A FEMA spokesperson clarified that though the agency cannot duplicate benefits provided from insurance it may be able to assist with uninsured losses not covered by an insurance policy. FEMA encourages all survivors to register for assistance even if they have insurance because they may have damages not covered by insurance. The registration period is usually 60 days from the date of the disaster.

The U.S. Small Business Administration also offers low-interest loans for businesses, homeowners and renters.

Henryville’s tornado-wrecked high school has won an online campaign for a free concert by country music trio Lady Antebellum.

Students in other states advocated on the school’s behalf. Schools from as far away as northern Wisconsin submitted YouTube videos urging the group to choose Henryville, Ind., as the winner of its “Own the Night” prom contest. The town’s schools were heavily damaged when powerful storms ripped through southern Indiana on March 2 during a series of tornadoes that killed 13 people.

Lady Antebellum chose Henryville but won’t be able to perform at the school’s prom because of a schedule conflict. Instead, the group will perform May 16 in nearby Louisville, Ky., for the school’s juniors and seniors, followed by a benefit for the community.

In the band’s video announcing the win, singer Charles Kelley said the Henryville students shouldn’t be disappointed that the band won’t be able to visit their community.