Minnesota Police Ticket 21 for Driving 100 MPH

August 11, 2011

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety said it ticketed 21 motorists for driving more than 100 mph and 72 drivers for going more than 90 mph during a stepped-up speeding enforcement campaign in July.

State Patrol Lt. Eric Roeske said the campaign is intended to show drivers that when speeds increase, so does the risk of crashing.

DPS reported illegal and unsafe speeding factored in at least 86 deaths in 2010 — 65 percent of which occurred in rural areas.

The highest ticketed speeds during July were 135 mph by the Benson police, 118 mph by the Swift County sheriff’s office and 110 mph by the Fridley police.

Motorists ticketed for traveling more than 100 mph can lose their license for six months.