Grove Named Chief Operating Officer, Markel Specialty

March 24, 2010

Markel Corporation promoted Timberlee Tamraz Grove to chief operating officer of Markel Specialty. In addition to her new role, she will remain president of Markel American Insurance Company in Pewaukee, Wis.

As COO, Grove will oversee the operations of Markel Specialty, which includes Markel Insurance Company, Markel American Insurance Company, Markel Cambridge, Prairie State and Markel Programs. .

Grove has been with Markel for 27 years, with a majority of those years as president of Markel American Insurance Company. She began her career with Markel as a director of marketing and eventually oversaw compliance and information technology. In 1999, she became president of Markel American Insurance Company.

Grove, who will remain based in Wisconsin, reports to Mike Crowley, president, Markel Specialty.

Source: Markel Corporation