Michigan City Ordinance Would Hold Parents Responsible for Teen Parties

September 22, 2009

Kalamazoo officials are considering a new ordinance that would make adults responsible for policing what happens at youth parties in their homes.

The proposal comes after the severe beating of a 16-year-old boy at an unsupervised house party. The teen has since recovered, but supporters told the Kalamazoo Gazette the ordinance is needed to prevent future incidents.

Kalamazoo City Commissioner Stephanie Moore requested the ordinance making people who control the site of a youth party responsible for “underage use of intoxicants, controlled substances or weapons.”

Infractions would be punishable by up to a $500 fine. Supporters think the ordinance would spur adults to pay closer attention to what happens at parties in their homes.

State lawmakers in Tennessee considered a similar measure this year.