Illinois Gov. Names Masters Acting Chairman, Workers’ Comp Commission

November 24, 2008

Governor Blagojevich has named Amy J. Masters as acting chairman of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC), effective Nove. 21, 2008. Chairman Masters first joined the Commission in
2003. She has served as the secretary of the Commission and operations manager for the past two years, and previously served as chief of staff and judicial manager. Before joining the Commission, she managed public relations for the Chicago Bar Association and the Laborers’ International Union-Midwest Region.

The Workers’ Compensation Advisory Board recommended the governor appoint Masters as acting chairman. Under the 2005 workers¹ compensation legislative changes, the bipartisan board now makes recommendations on Commission appointments to the governor. The board is made up of six representatives from the business community and six representatives from the labor

Additionally, Bertha E. Parker will serve as acting secretary during the time Masters serves as acting chairman. Secretary Parker has worked at the Commission since 1978. She most recently managed the Arbitration Support Staff and will continue to oversee that area.

For more information about the Commission, please visit

Source: Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission