Chicago GFB debuts ‘Quote on Tap’ Tool for Liquor Liability

June 8, 2007

Chicago, Ill.-based Geo. F. Brown & Sons, Inc., a national MGA/Wholesaler, recently announced the debut of “Quote on Tap,” an online tool that reduces the quoting and binding process for their liquor liability product for new business.

According to the company statement, with this Quote on Tap, agents can generate liquor liability quotes quickly and with ease. Implementation began with the state of Illinois in May, with an expanded state rollout out beginning in June.

Renewals will be available using Quote on Tap in July for August renewals with pre-filled applications for ease of use and proficiency. The agent will need only update the critical rating variables.

GFB’s president Mark J. Strong said that offering a 24/7 vehicle quoting process will increase agents’ response time .

“This tool will enable our agents to quote and bind their Liquor Liability coverage needs in minutes. You get the same policy form, same limit availability up to $1,000,000. It will eliminate the need to send in a paper application and wait for an answer,” Strong said.

Liquor Liability is often one of the last coverage’s needed to complete the insured’s insurance need, however it is the most important for liquor licensees as it is often a requirement for issuance of, or renewal of, a liquor license.

Source: GBS