Iowa Democrats to Look at Insurance Pools for Small Businesses

November 20, 2006

Rep. Pat Murphy, D-Dubuque, in line to become Iowa’s next House speaker, said House Democrats unveiled a package of proposals before this month’s election, including the creation of insurance pools for small businesses, raising the minumum wage and dealing with commercial property taxes that many say are out of line with neighboring states.

Democrats in the House captured 54 seats in the last election to gain control of the chamber for the first time in 16 years.

Murphy is seen as the architect of the election victory and isn’t being opposed in his effort to become the next speaker.

While the new speaker will be formally elected by the full House on the first day of the session, the reality is that the majority party picks that position before lawmakers convene.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, D-Des Moines, is in line to become the new House majority leader. Selection of those two would put a relatively moderate face on the new Democratic majority in the House. Neither comes from the party’s liberal wing and both are considered centrists.

With their elections, House Democrats will become the final group in the newly elected Legislature to put a new leadership team in place.

While Democrats hold 54 seats, there are currently 45 Republicans in the chamber. Rep. Mary Lou Freeman, R-Alta, died before the election and a special election will be held Dec. 12 to fill her seat.