Ohio BWC Unveils Fiscal Year 2005 Fraud Results

August 24, 2005

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s (BWC’s) special investigations department concluded fiscal year 2005 by exceeding its goals for both identified savings and return on expenditures.

The department closed a record 3,886 investigations and identified a record $135.7 million in savings, $9.5 million or 7.5 percent more than last year’s record of $126.2 million. These savings included a record $27 million pertaining to providers and $5.6 million in employer premiums and penalties.

The department generated a record $12.41 in savings for every budgetary dollar spent, exceeding last year’s record return on expenditures by 4.7 percent.

During the last 12 months, the department focused on improving its investigation and prosecution of medical provider and employer premium fraud. The fiscal year 2005 fraud report includes information about these efforts, including descriptions of a strategic realignment of the department to increase the number of dedicated health-care provider and employer fraud investigative staff. The report also includes other operational initiatives, summaries that describe 10 noteworthy cases investigated during the past fiscal year, statistics and more.

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s (BWC’s) special investigations department concluded fiscal year 2004 by exceeding its goals for both identified savings and return on expenditures.

A record 3,689 closed investigations identified a record $126 million in savings. These savings included a record $22 million pertaining to providers and $5.5 million in employer premiums and penalties. The department generated a record $11.86 in savings for every budgetary dollar spent, exceeding last year’s return on expenditures by 29.3 percent. These results contributed to the agency’s goals of reducing costs and improving customer service.

During the last 12 months, the department focused on improving its investigation and prosecution of medical provider and employer premium fraud.