Chicago Seminar to Focus on Mold Remediation

August 28, 2002

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. and the Chelsea Group, a Chicago-based consulting firm specializing in indoor air quality, will sponsor a half-day seminar on Monday, September 23, 2002 at the Union League Club of Chicago on “How to turn the threat of mold into an advantage.”

The bulletin pointed out that “mold is a serious threat to commercial properties, with potentially major damages to both current income and asset value.” It indicated, however, that “effectively managing the risk from mold can preserve and enhance the quality of the properties and protect building owners and managers from the liability.” It added that such “actions also present an opportunity to differentiate commercial properties and operations from their competition.”

George Benda, chairman and CEO of the Chelsea Group stated that “With the current media and legal focus on ‘toxic’ mold and related indoor air quality (IAQ) problems, it is especially important to ensure that those who operate and maintain buildings are aware of danger signs and have a plan in place to respond”.

Kenneth E. Anderson, ARM, managing director, Gallagher Environment Risk & Insurance, Benda and Ky Ajayi, CIAQP, a principal of the Chelsea Group, are slated to be the main presenters at the seminar, which will focus on providing the facts about mold, reviewing insurance issues, and offering clear guidance on mold and IAQ risk management.

For more information or to register, call Courtney Hague at Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. at 312-803-6357, or by e-mail: