Intrepid Reinsurance Execs Take on Extreme Challenge in ‘World’s Toughest Row’

June 15, 2023 by

Four intrepid reinsurance executives from Convex and Swiss Re are rowing from Monterey, Calif. to Hawaii – as part of the “World’s Toughest Row – Pacific.” It’s all for charity – and, of course, for a challenging, life-changing adventure.

In a race with 13 other boats, the reinsurance team, called Pacific Discovery, will row non-stop for 40 days or more – with each crewmember taking two hours on the oars and two hours off. The race began on June 12.

“We will sleep in cramped quarters, cross two time zones, consume 850,000 calories, and experience all the weather and waves the Pacific throws at us. We will also see 40 sunrises, countless sea birds, and spend magical time with sea turtles, dolphins and whales,” said the Pacific Discovery website.

Two of the crewmembers, Theresa (Tia) Patricios, head of Investments at Convex and Cameron Parker, head of P&C Structured Solutions at Swiss Re, sat down recently with Wells Media Group to discuss what they had done to prepare for the “massive adventure ahead” – and how they admittedly were nervous, excited, and of course, maintained a healthy respect for the “unpredictable creature” that is the Pacific Ocean. They are joined on the boat by Andrei Celovschi (Celo), a software engineer for Swiss Re’s iptiQ, and Stuart Thompson, Swiss Re chapter lead.

To listen to the interview, which is part of Wells Media Group’s Insurance Flipsides podcast series, just click here. We’ll touch base with the team again, when they return.

During the interview, Parker said the journey could range from 35 to 55 days, depending on conditions – but a rough ballpark would be 40 days.

He admitted that the first week can be onerous with rocky seas and prevalent seasickness. “We’re gonna hate ourselves and think ‘Why on earth did we start something so crazy?'” Then after day seven, as their confidence grows, the team will begin to enjoy the sights – of wildlife and a galaxy that has opened “its heart to us.” “It’s almost impossible to describe what it’s like… It’ll change your life forever.”

With partners that include Convex, Swiss Re, Aon and Gallagher Re, the team also is supported by a land crew: Mary Ervin, vice president at iptiQ (who is a U.S. advisor and handles sponsorship and communications support for the Pacific Discovery); Joy Maurer, a Swiss Re internal communications specialist; Mary Bird, a professional photographer and brand champion; and Caroline Sharley, the team’s “well-being coach and cheerleader.”

The team is aiming to raise £100,000 for the UK mental health charity, Mind. Donations can be made via the team’s website.

To track their progress toward Hawaii, just download the app, YB Races, under the race “The World’s Toughest Row – Pacific 2023.”