Markets/Coverages: CNA Hardy Launches 1st in Series of Products for Int’l Clients

March 1, 2023

CNA Hardy, the specialist commercial insurer that operates within the company and Lloyd’s markets, announced the launch of a new portfolio of bespoke package products built specifically for multinational businesses, called “Atlas.”

Building on CNA Hardy’s existing suite of combined coverage products known as Package+, Atlas is a remodeled and rebranded portfolio of products designed for multinational businesses in the manufacturing, professional services and wholesale durable goods industries.

Launched on March 1, Atlas is targeted towards clients with exposures in two or more countries and with a turnover between $1 million and $500 million.

The new built-in Atlas multinational wording provides flexible, comprehensive and fully embedded coverage that boosts efficiency and speed of service by removing the need for burdensome and often complex additional bolt-on endorsements.

“We’ve taken the best of our specialist Package+ products, and the best of our multinational wordings, and combined them. This enhanced portfolio of products will give multinational companies the coverage and confidence they need to operate in complex and increasingly risky world,” said Jason Beelders, head of International Solutions at CNA Hardy.

“With a single, tailored master policy, and local policies attaching, clients can easily manage their cover, premiums and claims in one place so they are always in control,” Beelders added.

CNA Hardy’s International Solutions team provides locally compliant coverage under one controlled master policy in over 200 countries and territories worldwide Through their network of dedicated offices and network partners, supported by local Claims and Risk Control experts.

About CNA Hardy

Part of CNA Financial Corp. (CNA), CNA Hardy provides specialist insurance solutions for commercial businesses and professionals from a network of offices in the UK, Continental Europe and Syndicate 382 at Lloyd’s.

Source: CNA Hardy