Insurance Journal’s Most Noteworthy Topics of 2020: International

December 29, 2020 by

COVID-19 and mergers and acquistions were just two of noteworthy topics of 2020 covered by the International section of Insurance Journal. Other notable topics included business moves — from startups and existing companies — and natural and manmade catastrophes. We provide below article highlights from just some of these articles during 2020, which was certainly a noteworthy year.

The coronavirus pandemic was, of course, the principal topic for 2020, one way or another, in all the regions covered by Insurance Journal. In the International section, articles ranged from COVID-19 claims, to the lawsuits about non-payment of business interruption claims associated with global lockdowns, to pandemic coverage solutions and exclusions. Indeed, 42 of the headlines of top 100 articles related specifically to COVID-19, the coronavirus and the pandemic. In addition, many other articles, at the very least, mentioned the pandemic. It was certainly the topic of the year.

Here’s a sampling of some of the International section’s COVID-19 coverage in reverse chronological order. (Additional coronavirus articles can be found in our summary of 2020’s most-read International articles published on Dec. 28. Other articles can be found below in the natural and manmade disasters section).

Next on the list of most noteworthy topics published by IJ’s Intenational section in 2020 are those covering mergers and acquisitions. The most frequently viewed M&A articles by IJ readers were the planned merger of Aon with Willis Towers Watson. Here we include a sampling of these articles published during this past year in reverse chronological order:

Business moves for startups and strategic moves by existing insurers are next on the list of noteworthy topics for 2020. These range from the startups that have raised capital to take advantage of hardening rates, to existing companies that have restructured their management teams and operations for business and sometimes cultural (and personnel) reasons. Here is a sampling of these articles in reverse chronological order:

And last but not least on the list of noteworthy topics in IJ’s International section during 2020 is the subject of natural and manmade catastrophes and their costs to the insurance industry as well as to the globe. Of course, there is a cross-over with the first section on COVID-19-related articles because natural catastrophes can range from pandemics to Australian bushfires. A sampling of these articles follows here: