UK Insurtech Startup battleface Offers COVID-19 Travel Insurance Package

July 21, 2020

Travel insurance provider battleface announced a new COVID-19 travel insurance package. The new policy will give travelers the peace of mind they have been looking for to venture out safely, including to countries currently advised against traveling to by the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO).

The new policy, which is offered to travelers up to and including age 59, includes cover for medical expenses caused by or resulting from COVID-19, said battleface in a statement.

The policy does not include cover in relation to COVID-19 expenses for trip cancellations, curtailment of a holiday or lockdowns.

The FCO updated its global advisory against “all but essential” travel on July 3, 2020, exempting some destinations that no longer pose an unacceptably high risk for British travelers. Many popular holiday destinations were not included in this list, which has caused travelers to put summer holiday plans on hold.

“If the FCO advises against ‘all but essential’ travel to a country, it more often than not invalidates travelers’ insurance, and visiting there is at your own risk,” commented Sasha Gainullin, CEO, battleface. “battleface removes that uncertainty and gives travelers the confidence they’ve been looking for.”

The FCO advice remains under constant review and can change at any time to take into account the latest situation in each country, said battleface.

For battleface policies purchased before July 17, 2020, the COVID-19 exclusions will remain in force and claims for travel costs or medical expenses in any way caused or resulting from COVID-19 will not be covered.

West Malling, England-based battleface provides travel medical insurance benefits and services to travellers visiting or working internationally, including in the world’s most challenging places. battleface covers dangerous places, emergency medical treatment, evacuation and accidents, and adventure travel to isolated places with 24/7 on-the-ground assistance and claims services. battleface was developed by Tangiers Insurance Services, an insurance intermediary and Coverholder at Lloyd’s of London.

Source: battleface
