Arch Capital to Buy 29.5% Stake in French Credit Insurer Coface

February 25, 2020

Arch Capital Group Ltd. has entered into a share purchase agreement with Natixis regarding the acquisition of a 29.5% stake in Coface, a France-based trade credit insurer.

The transaction will be completed at a price of €10.70 per share, corresponding to a transaction value of approximately €480 million ($520.1 million), based on the current number of shares.

“This is a long-term, strategic investment in Coface, and fits with Arch’s efforts to develop uncorrelated sources of underwriting income,” said Marc Grandisson, chief executive officer of Bermuda-based Arch. “Our companies share a focus on specialty underwriting where knowledge and expertise create value for our clients, and trade credit contributes to Arch’s specialty-driven business model.”

As part of the transaction, Arch explained that Natixis’ seven representatives on Coface’s board of directors will resign and be replaced by four Arch nominees. This will result in the majority of Coface’s board members being independent.

Coface has indicated that it will seek a new independent board member and will appoint a chairman of the board from among the independent board members, Arch continued.

There are no anticipated impacts on Coface’s or Arch’s employees resulting from the proposed transaction. Arch has indicated that it does not intend to seek control of Coface for a period of 12 months after the closing of the transaction.

The transaction remains subject to antitrust and regulatory approvals, including in particular, approval by the French prudential regulator, the Autorité de Controle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR).

Long Arc Capital acted as strategic advisor, Lazard acted as financial advisor and Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP acted as legal adviser to Arch in the transaction.

Source: Arch Capital Group Ltd.