TMK Launches Flagship Cyber Product, Cyber Ctrl, in Asia

October 31, 2019

Tokio Marine Kiln (TMK) has launched its flagship cyber product, Cyber Ctrl, targeted at insurers in Asia.

The product covers a range of first party losses including business interruption and provides clients with crisis management support in the wake of a breach. Traditional liability covers to protect against breaches of third-party data are also included as standard.

The product is being marketed as a policy enhancement to small-and-medium-sized enterprises, middle market and personal lines clients, and is targeted at insurers across Asia. The enhancement will be reinsured by TMK through its office in Singapore.

TMK has been writing cyber risks since 2003 and has paid out more than $100 million in cyber claims, said Alex Dugand, regional managing director of TMK Asia. “The product will be underpinned in no small part by our market leading, locally based and empowered claims team.” added Dugand.

Clients can contact Boon Chuan Tay or Alex Dugand in TMK’s Singapore office or email for further details.

Source: Tokio Marine Kiln (TMK)