AXIS Specialty UK Offers GCHQ-Certified Training at Cyber Center of Excellence

September 27, 2018

AXIS Specialty UK Holdings Ltd. announced it has been certified as a GCHQ Certified Training provider for its course “Understanding Cybersecurity and Insurance.”

The training is offered through the AXIS Cyber Center of Excellence, a global resource that provides mentorship, education, consulting services and solutions to help improve understanding of cyber risk, the company said in a statement. The AXIS Cyber Center of Excellence was launched by the company in April 2018.

Aimed at insureds, brokers, client risk managers and security managers, the training program explains how cyber insurance works and how it helps companies mitigate and manage cyber risks, AXIS said.

“A first step in mitigating cyber risk is education, and we are proud to be recognized as a trusted GCHQ Certified Training provider that meets the rigorous cyber security training standards set by GCHQ,” said Dan Trueman, global head of Cyber at AXIS. (The GCHQ, or the Government Communications Headquarters, is one of the three intelligence and security agencies in the UK, along with MI5 and MI6.)

“In addition to providing a range of cyber insurance products and a dedicated claims service, we offer cyber insurance training to help our clients and broker partners reduce the likelihood of loss and better understand the risk,” he said.

Those interested in learning more about AXIS’ Certified Training, as well as other resources offered through the AXIS Cyber Center of Excellence, should contact Trueman at

Source: AXIS Specialty UK