UK Finance, Insurance Industries Set Export Record

February 5, 2018 by

U.K. exports of financial and related professional services grew to a record in 2016 as all regions surged.

Exports rose 15.8 percent to 95.7 billion pounds ($136 billion), according new data compiled by TheCityUK with the Office for National Statistics. The northeast of England posted the biggest jump, climbing 29 percent, while London — which accounts for almost half of the nation’s financial services — rose 17 percent.

“While London is an important piece of the puzzle, over half the industry’s exports come from other parts of the country,” said Anjalika Bardalai, chief economist at the industry body. “In 2016, industry exports saw double digit growth in nearly every part of the U.K.”

Financial and related services such as insurance, accountancy, legal and management consultancy contribute nearly 11 percent of the U.K.’s total economic output, the report said.