Insured Losses for Europe’s Storm Egon Finalized at $329.7M by PERILS

January 12, 2018

The final insured loss estimate for windstorm Egon, which primarily affected France and Germany on Jan. 12-13, 2017, is €275 million (329.7 million), according to PERILS AG, the independent Zurich-based company that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data.

This final and fourth loss estimate is level to PERILS’ third loss estimate, which was released by PERILS in July. PERILS explained that movements in the loss figures at the individual country level offset each other and, therefore, the overall figure for Europe remained unchanged.

For subscribers to the PERILS database, the market loss data are again available per CRESTA zone and per property line of business. This loss footprint information is complemented by gust speed data and loss ratios.

Source: PERILS
