UK’s ABI Pushes for Autonomous Emergency Braking System to Reduce Accidents

February 26, 2014

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has issued a call for UK automobile manufacturers to fit autonomous emergency braking (AEB) as standard on all new cars.

“AEB uses radar, lasers and optical sensors to identify other vehicles and pedestrians and automatically braking if the driver does not respond in time to avoid a collision or lessen its impact,” the ABI explained.

“Currently only 23 percent of new vehicles available in the UK have AEB fitted as standard or as an option, despite the fact that research* shows that AEB could lead to an 18 percent reduction in personal injury claims following road traffic accidents.”

Speaking at The Future of Road Safety in the UK conference organized by Inside Government, the ABI’s Motor Policy Adviser, Scott Pendry said: “Even with clear safety benefits, three-quarters of new vehicles available to UK motorists do not have autonomous emergency braking fitted as standard or as an option.

“This must change. Fitting this technology as the norm will not only further improve road safety, but will significantly lower insurance costs as AEB is taken into account in the motor insurance group rating system.”

Source: Association of British Insurers (ABI)