Xchanging Names Ahern as Fiduciary Lead for Brokerage Service Operation

August 22, 2013

UK-based Xchanging, the business process, procurement and technology services provider, has appointed Kevin Ahern as Fiduciary Lead for its broking services business, XBS. He reports directly to Barry Milchem, XBS Operations Director.

Ahern assumes responsibility for “assisting the broking services’ leadership team in defining the fiduciary accounting operating model and developing solutions to improve its efficiency and effectiveness,” the announcement said.

He has previously held a number of senior positions within the fiduciary accounting arena within the Lloyd’s broking market, most recently as Managing Director of Accounting & Settlement Services at Willis and previously as Head of Insurance Broking Accounting at JLT.

Milchem said Ahern would be working closely with him and that his appointment would provide “new ideas and fresh challenges as we extend the profile of our broking capabilities into the London market and beyond.”

Source: Xchanging