AIA Endorses Invitation to Mexico to Join Trans-Pacific Partnership

June 20, 2012

David F. Snyder, vice president and associate general counsel at the American Insurance Association, has issued a statement endorsing Mexico’s invitation to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The proposed agreement will seek to promote and enhance trade and economic growth with member nations.

Snyder stated: “We are pleased a formal invitation will be extended to Mexico to participate in these negotiations. As one of the United States’ largest export markets, Mexico will serve as a valued partner around the negotiating table. AIA had previously advocated the addition of Mexico, and remains actively engaged in this dialogue.

“AIA strongly supports the TPP as the best initiative to open markets and reduce barriers to international trade in insurance, since approval of the Korea, Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agreements. AIA will continue its efforts to urge the USTR and the administration to press for similarly high standards for insurance market liberalization like those achieved in the Korea FTA.”

Source: American Insurance Association