Travel Insurers Pay $7 Million a Week to Stricken UK Travelers Says ABI

August 18, 2011

Travel insurance has become an essential adjunct for UK residents heading abroad on vacations. According to the Association of British Insurers, travel insurance companies pay on average £5.3 million [$7.26 million a week to those who fall ill or have accidents while outside the country. The ABI also noted that the “cost of falling ill abroad has hit a record high.”

The ABI’s breakdown of the figures found that over the last year travel insurers paid “£275 million [$454 million] in meeting the cost of emergency medical treatments for UK travelers who fell ill abroad – or £5.3 million every week. The cost of medical expenses claims has leapt by over 270 percent in the last six years.”

The industry processed “337,000 claims for overseas emergency medical treatment – almost 6,500 cases a week. This number rose threefold over the last six years.” In addition the ABI found that the “costs of medical treatment accounts for 55 percent of the total cost of all claims paid by travel insurers, compared to 33 percent six years ago.

“Stomach upsets, ear infections, allergies and heart problems are the most common illnesses requiring medical treatment while abroad.”

Some of the claims dealt with by insurers included the following:
— £86,000 [$142,059) to cover the cost of treating a holidaymaker who suffered a massive heart attack and needed to be flown home via air ambulance to the UK.
— £54,000 [$$89,195] to treat a holidaymaker who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder while holidaying in the USA and then needed to be flown back to the UK with a Doctor escort.
— £20,000 [$33,053] to cover the cost of treating a man who had a heart infection and bleeding on the brain. Costs included treatment at two hospitals and an air ambulance back to the UK from Spain.
— £11,000 [$18,167] to treat a holidaymaker who suffered a broken arm after a fall in Spain.

Nick Starling, the ABI’s Director of General Insurance and Health, commented: “The biggest cost if something goes wrong on your holiday will not be a lost passport, delayed flight or stolen camera: it will be the medical treatment that may be needed if you, or someone in your family, gets hurt or falls ill. Medical costs abroad can run into tens of thousands of pounds which makes travel insurance absolutely essential.

“You must disclose all previous medical conditions to make sure you are covered. Call your insurer to talk it through if you are not sure. All travelers should ensure that they take details of emergency medical helpline telephone numbers included in their travel policy to call for advice and help should they fall ill.”

Source: Association of British Insurers