Willis Australasia Appoints Pickering as Chairman; Lindhout CEO

July 22, 2011

Willis Group Holdings announced that, effective immediately, Scott Pickering, President of Willis’ Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa operations, will assume the additional role of Chairman, Willis Australasia.

Pickering joined Willis in 2010 after working for RSA Insurance as Regional CEO for Asia and Middle East, based in Dubai for two and a half years. Before that he held a series of senior leadership roles at ACE Insurance in South Africa and the Asia Pacific.

Willis also announced that Pieter Lindhout will take over the role of CEO, Willis Australasia, in October. He will replace Bill Donovan, former CEO of Willis Australasia, who is returning to New Zealand to take up a new role at an insurer.

Lindhout was most recently the Managing Director of GE Capital – Insurance. He has held several senior leadership positions in Australasia, including CEO of Tower Insurance, Managing Director of AMP General Insurance, General Manager of The Spencer Partnership and Operations Manager of Medical Benefits Funds (MBF).

Lindhout and Pickering will report to Roger Wilkinson, Chairman & CEO, Willis Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa.

Wilkinson noted: “Australasia is a very important region for Willis and the caliber of these appointments demonstrates our commitment and desire to succeed. Scott has over 22 years of insurance experience in the Australasia region and beyond. Pieter comes to Willis with a proven track record of delivering growth and shareholder value and has exceptional leadership credentials. I am confident that together with Scott, he will drive even greater growth for Willis in the local market and align that growth with our broader Asia Pacific strategy.”

Willis Australasia sector includes operations in Australia and New Zealand, and forms part of the Asia Pacific region under Willis International. “Across Australasia, there are over 400 associates in nine locations including: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart in Australia; and Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington in New Zealand.”

Source: Willis Group Holdings