Geneva Association Appoints Inscoe to Head Institutional Relations

July 8, 2011

International insurance think tank, The Geneva Association, announced the appointment of former Secretary General of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) and Deputy Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Donald Inscoe, as Head of Institutional Relations.

He began his career as a supervisory policy analyst and bank examiner at the FDIC, subsequently moving to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. He then moved to work for two private sector consultancies developing tools for financial institutions and investors, returning to the FDIC in 1990. As an Associate Director at the FDIC between 1990 and 2004, Inscoe served as manager and editor of numerous publications and ad-hoc analyses on the performance and condition of the U.S. banking industry, and participated in the development of legislation and implementation of regulation to strengthen deposit insurance and financial institution supervision.

He became Deputy Director at the FDIC in 2005, overseeing, inter-alia risk-related premium system operations; policy and operational research; improvement to risk-based deposit insurance assessments; and banking and consumer finance research. In 2008 he became the Secretary General for the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, participating in the development of the first international standard for deposit insurance and a methodology to assess compliance with that standard.

Inscoe returned to the FDIC in 2010 as Deputy Director, and was seconded to the US Treasury Department as Senior Advisor to the Office of Financial Research, where he contributed to the implementation of legislation to provide a more resilient financial services industry.

Secretary General and Managing Director of The Geneva Association, Patrick M. Liedtke welcomed Inscoe to the organization. He also explained that “through broader and deeper relationships with regulators and supervisors around the world, the Geneva Association aims to increase the degree of insurance knowledge and input into the ongoing policy and regulatory discussions and processes. Donald and his team’s work will be instrumental in achieving this.”

Source: The Geneva Association