Zurich Report Urges Truck Fleets to Reduce Crashes with ‘Telematics’

November 15, 2010

A report from Zurich Financial Services Group concludes that trucking companies “could use new technological developments to reduce the costs of crashes in their motor fleets by up to 30 percent.”

The report – Insights: Telematics and Fleet Risk Management – analyzes how telematics technology, in conjunction with driver development programs, can help fleet operators take positive steps to improve safety while also reducing their impact on the environment and reducing operation costs.

Zurich explained that telematics “commonly refers to vehicle-based systems that integrate GPS sensors with wireless communication and computer capabilities. These systems can provide fleet owners and operators with extensive information and intelligence on driver behavior, vehicle location and performance and a wide range of other metrics.

“Using meaningful data, fleet managers can reduce collision risks for drivers and other road users, improve the productivity of mobile workers, improve fleet performance and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. Typically, companies could save up to 11 percent on fuel consumption and 10 percent on operational costs.”

The Insights report explains how Zurich works with fleet customers to develop a ‘driver indexing’ program, which helps to identify those drivers deemed to be most ‘at risk’. Companies are then able to target their risk management spend at the root cause to combat ‘at risk’ driver behaviors — in ways such as reviewing employees schedules and route planning, along with raising awareness about the dangers of driving too close or driving while distracted – to reduce the risk of crashes across the fleet.

Robert Gremli, Chief Risk Engineering Officer at Zurich, explained: “The combination of technology and a sustained program of working with drivers to reduce crash risks should be at the heart of any fleet management program. Used effectively, telematics can help save lives on the roads, reduce costs and improve the working environment for drivers.

Source: Zurich Financial Services