Swiss Re Observes ‘International Water Day’ with $825,000 Red Cross Gift

March 22, 2007

Today has been proclaimed “International Water Day,” and Swiss Re announced that will honor the occasion with a CHF 1 million ($825,000) donation to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for a project in North-Western Nepal, which aims to re-establish clean and sanitary water supply to the rural population in the region.

“After the recent crisis in Nepal was settled by a peace accord in November 2006, there is now an immediate need to reconstruct the clean water infrastructure,” said the bulletin. “Swiss Re decided to support the ‘Clean water in Nepal’ project with a special donation, because re-establishing access to clean water will have a sustainable impact and benefit substantial parts of the population, especially in rural areas.”

Swiss Re also indicated that its “donation complements the company’s cooperation with the ICRC as a founding member of the ICRC’s corporate support group, established in 2005. Support of a water-related project also underlines Swiss Re’s Corporate Citizenship commitment to promote sustainable watershed management. As part of that commitment, the 5th Swiss Re award for Sustainable Watershed Management is conferred today to the Ethiopian Rainwater Harvesting Association (ERHA) for a project aiming to improve water availability for household activities and small-scale production in Southern Ethiopia.”