Benfield Names Lazarus to Head Australia Facultative Solutions

February 13, 2007

Benfield, the independent reinsurance and risk intermediary, announced the appointment of Michael Lazarus as Head of the Group’s Facultative Solutions team for Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

He will be based in Sydney and will be part of Benfield’s Africa, Asia Pacific and Australasia (AAA) Facultative Solutions team. He will also become a member of Benfield’s Facultative Solutions leadership team where he will assist in the strategic direction and management of the global team.

“We are delighted that Michael has agreed to join us”, stated Dominic Christian, Chief Executive of Benfield’s International Division. “He brings a wealth of facultative knowledge and products to the business. I am confident that under his leadership we will enhance our facultative capabilities and position in the Australian, New Zealand and South African markets.”

Rob DeSouza, Chairman of Benfield’s Asia Pacific Executive added, “Michael’s expertise will be an asset to Benfield and will further strengthen our successful facultative offering to customers.”

Lazarus has over 14 years of experience in the facultative markets in Australia, the UK and Singapore providing services to major local and multi-national customers. Most recently he served as Sr. VP at Guy Carpenter in Sydney, leading their facultative operations in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region.