Swiss Re Appoints Ferguson Financial Services Head, Executive Committee

October 4, 2006

Swiss Re has announced the appointment of Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., as Head of Financial Services and a Member of Swiss Re’s Executive Committee, effective immediately..

Ferguson joined Swiss Re from the U.S. Federal Reserve Board as Chairman of Swiss Re America Holding in June 2006, and will continue in that role. As Head of Financial Services he will have overall responsibility for Swiss Re’s proprietary Asset Management with CHF 160 billion [$128 billion] assets under management.

He also assumes overall responsibility for Swiss Re’s Capital Management and Advisory unit, which serves as the company’s capital market platform, specializing in the growing insurance bond market and derivative activities. He will also oversee Credit Solutions, Swiss Re’s credit risk underwriting unit, a global leader in trade credit and surety reinsurance.

CEO Jacques Aigrain commented: “I am delighted that we were able to attract Roger Ferguson for this enhanced executive responsibility. Our Financial Services business will greatly benefit from his outstanding expertise in the financial markets. His vision, intellectual and managerial talent, and experience as a former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve are a welcome contribution to our Executive Committee.”

Swiss Re noted that “Ferguson’s executive team includes Benjamin Meuli, Chief Investment Officer, based in Zurich, Phil Lotz, CEO of Capital Management and Advisory, based in New York, and Peter Schmidt, Head of Credit Solutions, based in Zurich. Roger Ferguson will continue to be based in the U.S.”