Swiss Re to Host Year-End Economic and Insurance Industry Review 2003/Outlook 2004

December 8, 2003

Swiss Re will host is annual conference on this year’s industry results, and the prospects for 2004, in New York City on, Wednesday, December 10, from 8:45 am to 10:00 am at Park Avenue Plaza, located at 55 East 52nd Street, on the 44th floor.

It will also hold a similar conference in London earlier that day.

The conference “will provide an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities facing both the US property and casualty and life and health reinsurance markets,” said the announcement. “It will also focus on “the economic landscape for the property & casualty industry, the overall US economy and the outlook for insurance stocks.”

Among the featured panelists and speakers are:
— Andreas Beerli, CEO, Americas Division
— Patrick Mailloux, Head US Direct and Deputy Head, Americas Division
— Kurt Karl, Head, Swiss Re Economic Research & Consulting, North America
— W. Weldon Wilson, CEO, Swiss Re Life & Health North America Inc.
— Michael Hallett, Vice President, Fox-Pitt, Kelton, Inc

Further information can be obtained by contacting Michael McNamara or Cynthia Rolon at 212-317-5663/5235, or via email at