Bill Bradley to Join Willis Board of Directors

September 19, 2002

Willis Group Holdings, Limited announced the appointment of former U.S. Senator and basketball great Bill Bradley to its Board of Directors.

Bradley, 59, is currently a Managing Director of Allen & Company and Chief outside advisor to McKinsey & Company’s non-profit practice. An honors graduate from Princeton University , Bradley was a Rhodes Scholar, and star basketball player for the New York Knicks, before he retired to begin a political career. He served from 1978 through 1997 in the U.S. Senate, representing the state of New Jersey, before retiring to seek the Democratic nomination for president in 1998.

Welcoming Senator Bradley to the Board, Joe Plumeri, Willis Chairman and CEO stated that, “I am delighted Bill has accepted our invitation to join the Board. Few have achieved as much as he has and even fewer can match him in the manner of his accomplishments – with unquestionable integrity and forthright leadership. He is a statesman with international stature and his perspective will be invaluable as we continue to execute our vision to build the world’s greatest insurance brokerage”

Bradley seemed equally pleased, stating that “Willis has a great history of which it is rightly proud, and since its re-emergence as a publicly traded company in June of last year, it clearly has taken significant strides in the global insurance marketplace. I hope I can make a contribution to the Group’s development, and I am very pleased to accept Joe’s invitation”.