CIGNA President Calls For Senate PNTR Approval

June 6, 2000

CIGNA Corp. President and CEO H. Edward Hanway urged the U.S. Senate to approve the bill passed by the House giving China permanent normal trade relations status (PNTR).

While approval by the Senate is widely expected, as there is much less opposition to the bill than there was in the House, Hanway stressed the importance of the measure. “PNTR with China will advance America’s stake in the security and economic stability of the Asia-pacific region, contribute to global prosperity and create significant opportunities that will benefit American businesses, workers and consumers,” said Hanway.

A longtime advocate of free trade, who worked on the NAFTA Agreement, and the U.S.-Japan Framework Agreement on Insurance, Hanway has met with Chinese leaders and strongly supported the agreement reached last November which would eventually allow China to join the World Trade Organization.

“We believe that normalizing trade with China will help give U.S. companies — including CIGNA — greater access to the rapidly expanding Chinese marketplace while bringing China and its people the advantages of increased international commerce,” Hanway concluded.