InsurTech NY Announces Launch of Insurance Collaboration Index

October 5, 2021

InsurTech NY, a resource for the InsurTech community in the New York metro area, announced the launch of its Insurance Collaboration Index.

Based on input from InsurTech executives, the index scores insurance and reinsurance companies on their willingness and ability to partner with startup insurance technology companies. It provides a measure of how easy it is for a carrier and a startup to work together.

Carriers are evaluated on executive buy-in and sponsorship, competent project management, clear objectives, effective communications and other factors. In addition to providing startups input about potential partners, survey results will help carriers assess how prepared they are to work with startups across a range of criteria and offer insights to strengthen their policies and procedures.

Led by InsurTech NY founders Tony Lew and David Gritz, the project draws on the expertise of an advisory board representing a cross-section of the insurance and innovation ecosystems.

Phase I of the project, which is now underway, is data collection. InsurTech NY is surveying executives from more than 200 InsurTech companies about their experiences working with various carriers and reinsurers. Survey participants will have early access to the results and will receive a customized report to help them optimize their choices of partners.

InsurTech NY supports the insurance innovation community in the New York metro area. Founded in 2019, InsurTech NY brings together carriers, brokers, investors and InsurTech startups via bi-monthly programs.

Source: InsurTech NY