The Private Risk Management Association Forms New Chapter in Pennsylvania

February 1, 2021

The Private Risk Management Association (PRMA), a nonprofit educational organization for risk management professionals in the insurance industry, has formed its newest chapter in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

PRMA chapters are an extension of the larger 3000-member national association that aims to elevate the knowledge of risk managers to improve the level of advice they provide to their high net worth clients.

The Pennsylvania Chapter plans to conduct once-a-month virtual meetings, networkers and educational webinars.

Chapter meetings are for members who want to tap into a network of risk management professionals in their own community. Risk management professionals interested in joining a local chapter can register for PRMA membership at the PRMA website.

The PRMA is a member-owned independent nonprofit founded by leaders in the private risk management and insurance industry. Its mission is to improve the advice, coverage and service provided to the high net worth insurance consumer through education and increased awareness. PRMA offers specialized education and information and establishes standards and credentials while raising awareness and advocating for the niche and consumers served.

Source: The Private Risk Management Association