Professional Insurance Agents of New York Names Tomassi as President

September 13, 2019

John R. Tomassi was named president of the Professional Insurance Agents of New York (PIANY), at a meeting of the association’s board of directors today at PIANY headquarters in Glenmont, N.Y.

Tomassi is a partner in CLG Insurance in Clifton Park, N.Y.

Aa an active member of PIANY, Tomassi served as president-elect in 2018-2019, vice president in 2016-2018, treasurer in 2015-2016 and has served on the board of directors since 2013. He currently serves as vice president of the Government Affairs and Nominations Committees. He is a member of the Company/Industry Relations and Executive/Budget & Finance Committees and is chairperson of the association’s Albany Advisory Council. Tomassi previously coordinated PIANY’s Capital Region Legislative District Office visits and is a member of the PIA Group Trustees.

PIANY is a trade association representing professional, independent insurance agencies, brokerages and their employees throughout the state.

Source: PIANY