SOBC DARAG Acquires Vermont’s Innovative Physicians Solutions RRG

July 3, 2019

SOBC DARAG has acquired Innovative Physicians Solutions RRG (IPS) in full, effective July 1, 2019, after receiving approval from the Vermont Department of Financial Services for the transaction.

Mark Tabler, the current chief operating officer of IPS, will transfer to SOBC DARAG after the sale to help with the transition.

Stephanie Mocatta, CEO of SOBC DARAG, said in a company press release that this is SOBC DARAG’s second acquisition in Vermont of a risk retention group in recent months and fourth overall.

SOBC DARAG Holdings is ultimately owned by DARAG Group investors. SOBC DARAG Holdings, a direct subsidiary of DARAG UK, is the principal vehicle for future US, Bermudian and Caribbean growth and acquisitions.