Insurance Commissioner Confers with Connecticut Congressional Delegation

May 14, 2019

Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Andrew N. Mais joined more than 40 of his colleagues from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) last week to highlight important issues for members of U.S. Congress.

Some of the topics raised were federal reforms to help stabilize health insurance markets, long-term reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and proposals to promote compatibility, accountability and insurance regulator inclusion in international insurance discussions.

“Working with our federal counterparts is important in protecting consumers in Connecticut,” said Commissioner Mais in a press release issued by the Connecticut Insurance Department. “Because insurance touches all residents of Connecticut, it is critical that states and the federal government coordinate on insurance issues to best serve our great state.”

Chief state insurance regulators and senior staff from across the country gathered in Washington this week for the 2019 All-Commissioner DC Fly-In. NAIC members spent two days meeting with their congressional representatives and discussing the impact of federal policies in the states and briefing lawmakers on regulatory developments in insurance.

Before meeting their congressional delegations, the regulators met Daniel Kaniewski, acting deputy administrator for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Brian Blase, special assistant to the President for Healthcare Policy and James Parker, senior advisor to Health and Human Services Secretary Azar.

Source: Connecticut Insurance Department