Delaware Contractor Breaks Both Legs in Trench Fall

January 29, 2019

The Delaware Department of Transportation says a contractor who fell through a trench on a construction site broke both his legs.

The News Journal reports that the Carrow Construction crew was digging a trench Friday as they replaced drainage pipes on a Baltimore Pike site.

Drew McPartland with the Christiana Fire Company says the contractor was standing on the weakened edge when he fell through. The concrete curb followed, trapping him in the 10-foot hole.

It took more than three hours for first responders to free the man. Crews had to dig beneath his leg before they were able to stabilize him. He was hooked up to IV fluids, with heaters set up to keep him warm.

McPartland says both directions of the pike were shut down, to prevent vibrations.

Information from: The News Journal of Wilmington, Del.