Wrongfully Imprisoned Man Could Get $1.55M from Virginia

February 24, 2017

A man who spent more than three decades in prison for a crime he didn’t commit could be getting $1.55 million from the state of Virginia.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that a bill to provide compensation to 60-year-old Keith Allen Harward is awaiting Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s signature.

Harward was released from prison in April 2016 after DNA evidence proved he’s innocent of the 1982 killing of Jesse Perron and the rape of his wife in Newport News. Harward was a sailor on the USS Carl Vinson, which was stationed at the shipyard close to the victims’ home at the time.

The legislation providing Harward compensation passed the House and Senate without a single “no” vote. The governor has until March 27 to sign it into law.

Information from: Richmond Times-Dispatch