Windham Group Launches New IME Company in New Hampshire

October 25, 2016

The Windham Group has launched Logical IME, an independent medical examination company that serves workers’ compensation payers.

Based in Manchester, N.H., Logical IME provides independent medical exams (IMEs) as well as peer review, functional capacity examinations, permanency ratings and record review. Operating as a business affiliate of Windham Group, Logical IME has its own separate management team and staff.

Typical IMEs are conducted by physicians who specialize in treating a certain condition and have not previously cared for the injured employee. They involve a comprehensive medical record review and physical examination. IME reports render opinions on diagnosis and treatment and are often used to determine return-to-work capacity and disability ratings, identify treatment options and help settle claims. Logical IME was created to manage and streamline the process and provide pricing transparency to the industry.

“Payers are often quoted one amount for an IME, but find that the final invoice is significantly higher,” explained Logical IME President Jim Lovett in a company press release. “We’re committed to honoring our quotes and providing complete pricing transparency with line-item invoices.”

Logical IME seeks to simplify the process from referral to report by working to identify physician examiners, schedule appointments, arrange transportation and translation services and manage other details. Its IME reports undergo quality assurance review and are formatted and color-coded to provide fast, coherent and concise findings that claims handlers can use immediately.

“Logical IME’s online referral portal helps claim handlers create a customized cover letter so physicians know this isn’t another template referral,” said Brittany Soos, Logical IME’s director of clinical operations, in the release. “We take the details seriously.”

Logical IME is rolling out services regionally, starting with New England, and plans to provide services nationally in the next six to 12 months.

Source: Logical IME