Maryland Insurance Commissioner Elected as NAIC Representative to URAC

October 7, 2016

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has elected Maryland Insurance Commissioner Al Redmer Jr. to serve on the board of the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC).

Redmer will replace Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin from North Carolina as the NAIC representative to URAC.

URAC is governed by an independent third-party board of directors, and it functions as a third party. The URAC governing board of directors has representatives from all affected constituencies: consumers, providers, employers, regulators, and managed care industry experts.

For 25 years, URAC has worked to promote health care quality through accreditation, education and measurement. It offers a range of benchmarking programs that reflect the latest changes in health care and more than 30 accreditation programs across the span of health care services.

Source: Maryland Insurance Administration