Delaware Gov. Supports Tougher Penalties for Texting While Driving

May 6, 2016 by

Delaware Gov. Jack Markell is pledging his support for a bill to toughen penalties for texting or otherwise using a handheld phone while driving.

After experiencing a virtual reality demonstration May 3 of the potentially fatal consequences of texting while driving, a somber Markell said he would sign the bill no matter how high the penalty is increased.

As currently written, the bill increases the penalty for a first offense from $50 to $100. It also increases the penalty for subsequent offenses from between $100 and $200 to between $200 and $300.

Also the bill calls for points to be assessed on a person’s driver’s license for second or subsequent offenses.

A companion bill creates a special license plate urging motorists not to use electronic devices and drive.