Conn. State Police Responded to 460 Accidents Over Christmas Weekend

December 29, 2015

Connecticut State Police responded to more than 460 accidents and busted 40 people for driving under the influence over the Christmas holiday weekend.

Troopers say the number of accidents from Wednesday morning through Sunday night was up significantly from the 279 accidents last year. Five of this year’s accidents resulted in fatalities in Old Saybrook, Bethany, Bolton, East Hartford and Enfield. Fifty-six crashes involved injuries.

The number of arrests for driving under the influence was double last year’s total.

Troopers cited 621 people for speeding, up from 243 last year. They also wrote tickets for more than 1,500 hazardous moving violations including tailgating and using cellphones without hands-free devices and 36 seat seatbelt violations.

State police also are planning sobriety checkpoints this week.