Maryland Commissioner to Meet With Local Farmers to Discuss P/C Insurance

December 21, 2015

Maryland Insurance Commissioner Al Redmer, Jr. and Secretary of Agriculture Joe Bartenfelder will hold a joint meeting to promote awareness of insurance products available to the state’s agricultural community.

The meeting will be held at Maryland Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) – Dorchester Field Service Center, at 204 Cedar Street, Cambridge, Maryland, on Jan. 8, 2016.

The two agencies said they aim to ensure that Maryland’s agricultural industry has access to the insurance products it needs and that there is a competitive marketplace in which to shop.

Topics of discussion will include:

  • A list of insurance carriers currently providing farm coverage in Maryland;
  • Any geographical issues that might be present in obtaining coverage; and
  • A discussion on whether or not there is enough insurance coverage in the marketplace.

The Maryland Insurance Administration will distribute its Consumer Guide to Farm Insurance to those in attendance. The guide provides information on the need for farm insurance, frequently asked questions, shopping tips and how to file consumer complaints.

The Maryland Insurance Administration is an independent state agency charged with regulating Maryland’s $28.5 billion insurance industry.