Penn. Insurance Commissioner Congratulates Mature Driver Safety Class

July 15, 2015

Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller on July 13 presented certificates to approximately 25 Pennsylvanians who successfully completed a mature driver safety class in Dauphin County.

Miller also reminded participants that state law requires a minimum five percent auto insurance discount for drivers age 55 and older who complete motor vehicle driver improvement courses approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT).

“I congratulate everyone who made the commitment to take this course, for becoming safer drivers and contributing to the safety of everyone on our roads,” Miller told the participants in the mature driver safety class conducted by AAA Central Penn in Dauphin County.

“Governor Wolf has made consumer protection a top priority of his administration, and my department makes sure all drivers who qualify for this safe driver discount receive it from their insurance company,” Miller said.

Pennsylvania state law mandates a premium discount of not less than five percent for each motor vehicle on a policy under which all named insureds are 55 years of age or older and have successfully completed a motor vehicle driver improvement course meeting the standards of PennDOT. These discounts are good for three years, beginning with the next policy period following the successful completion of the course.

The number of highway deaths in Pennsylvania last year was 1,195, the lowest total since recordkeeping began in 1928, according to PennDOT.

“Making sure Pennsylvanians know these driver improvement courses are available through AAA and other organizations, and that my department enforces the law to make sure consumers get the premium reductions to which they are entitled helps fulfill Governor Wolf’s mission of a government that works,” she said.

Miller also advised participants that are parents to talk to their insurance professional about discounts for teens who complete safe driver courses.

She said safe driver courses are also available through schools and other organizations for teen drivers. While Pennsylvania state law does not mandate auto insurance reductions for teens who successfully complete these courses, many companies offer discounts.

Source: The Pennsylvania Insurance Department