Stamford, Conn., Tries to Shift Liablity in Slip-and-Fall Suits

December 12, 2014

The city of Stamford, Connecticut, is trying to shift legal liability in slip-and-fall lawsuits to private property owners.

The Stamford Advocate reports that Mayor David Martin has submitted legislation to put legal responsibility for snow-related injury claims onto property owners.

He’s acting following a state Supreme Court ruling last month. The justices ruled that property owners can’t be sued for injuries from a fall on a sidewalk in front of their home or business unless a municipal law makes them liable.

Martin said that before the court ruling, homeowners would be responsible for clearing sidewalks, though he says the injured person would sue “everybody in sight.”

Current local law requires property owners to clear their sidewalks within 12 hours after a storm ends, but it doesn’t address liability.

Related Articles:
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