St. John’s to Honor XL CEO McGavick as 2014 Insurance Leader of the Year

September 11, 2014

Mike McGavick
St. John’s University’s School of Risk Management (SRM) in New York announced it will honor XL Group’s CEO Mike McGavick as the “2014 Insurance Leader of the Year” at its 20th Annual Insurance Leader of the Year Award Dinner.

The event will take place on Jan. 21, 2015, at the Marriott Marquis in New York City. Proceeds of the dinner will support St. John’s University’s SRM students and programs.

Brian Duperreault, CEO of Hamilton Insurance Group, and Michael O’Halleran, executive chairman of Aon Benfield and senior executive vice president of Aon plc, will serve as honorary co-chairmen of the dinner.

“The Insurance Leader of the Year accolade is traditionally awarded to an industry leader for distinguished achievement over a long career, or for special achievement in the year of recognition,” said Duperreault, who serves as chairman of the SRM board of overseers.

“Mike has had an extraordinary career worthy of recognition in its own right. He is a leader of immense competence, and he has most ably guided XL Group during his tenure there,” Duperreault said. “Mike also has a passion for public and philanthropic service that is well known and esteemed – both within our industry and by larger segments of our society.”

The award selection committee is chaired by Ellen Thrower, professor emerita and retired executive director of St. John’s University’s SRM, and includes George Bernstein of The Bernstein Law Firm; Robert P. Hartwig, president of the Insurance Information Institute; Joseph Mauriello, retired deputy chairman and COO of KPMG LLP; Michael J. Morrissey, president and CEO of the International Insurance Society; Patrick J. Shouvlin, retired partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP; and Peter B. Walker, director of McKinsey & Company.

The “Insurance Leader of the Year Award,” presented annually since 1995, recognizes the contributions of outstanding individuals whose leadership in the worldwide insurance and financial services industry sets them apart from their peers. Last year’s recipient was Robert H. Benmosche, former president and CEO of American International Group, Inc.

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