Penn. Public Utility Commission Schedules Uber, Lyft Hearings

July 30, 2014

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has set separate two-day hearings next month to consider permanent licenses for ride-sharing companies Uber and Lyft.

The PUC last week gave the San Francisco-based firms temporary permission to operate until their applications for permanent “experimental” licenses can be heard. The services are seeking “experimental” approval because they operate differently that taxis and other public transportation companies and are not currently covered by PUC regulations.

The ride-sharing companies use smartphone apps to dispatch drivers who use their own personal vehicles to give people rides. The drivers then share the fares they collect with the companies.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says Lyft’s hearing before administrative law judges will be Aug. 7-8 at the PUC’s Pittsburgh office. Uber’s hearing before the same panel will be Aug. 18-19.

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