New Risk Management Consulting Firm Launched in Pennsylvania

January 11, 2013

A new risk management consulting firm recently opened its doors for business in Pennsylvania. Auspice Risk is an independent risk management consulting firm based in West Chester, near Philadelphia.

Girija Shaffer, chief executive officer and founder of Auspice Risk, has more than 20 years of progressive experience in risk management. The firm offers a wide range of customized risk management services offered nationally to risk managers, insurance program managers, and brokers and agents.

The firm’s services include:
• Developing risk management for insurance programs within their business vertical.
• Developing and overseeing property/casualty claims and safety programs. As part of that process the firm negotiates TPA contracts, establishes special handling guidelines, evaluates claim reserve estimates, and brings claims to resolutions.
• Developing or enhancing safety manuals, policies and procedures. The process includes identifying areas of opportunity, making recommendations and assisting with implementation of those recommendations.
• Evaluating bill review and re pricing for managed care, early intervention programs (EIP), case management, vocational rehab, MPN networks and return to work (RTW) Programs.